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She thought back and her eyes widened. “Oh God, I didn’t realize that was you. It was pretty dark.”
“I was an ass, though.” He brushed his lips over her fingers. “I deserved it. I’ll have to make that up to you.” He thought she’d look good bent over a table. “Why don’t you come in and hang out.” He winked at Dominic.
Chad leaned down to Dominic. “He’s hitting on her. Do something.”
“Evan.” Dominic tugged Crystal back. “I was just hoping to introduce Crystal and Chad to the guys.” He didn’t like the way Evan was looking at her, either. “She’s not a groupie. She’s the bassist of Triple Threat, and Chad here is the guitarist.”
Shrugging, Evan opened the door wider. “Good luck getting anybody’s attention. We brought a bunch of strippers with us.”
Dominic glanced at Crystal. “You still want to go in?”
As they made their way through the room Joey, Rich and Dustin looked up, but didn’t stop the girls all over their cocks. When they got to the rhythm guitarist Billy though, he pushed a girl by her forehead until his dick fell from her mouth. He smirked when Crystal checked him out.
“You like, huh?” Billy stood, allowing his thick erection to jut out before him. “I’d much rather have you riding my cock than one of these chicks.”
“Hey!” a female voice protested.
He turned. “Shut up. You’re all well paid.”
Crystal smiled and blushed. Her eyes kept going back to his cock, though. It was a bit smaller than Giovanni’s, but larger than Tommy’s. Encased in a condom, it was hard to tell if he had it pierced like she had heard. “Hi.”
“So, why don’t you come to the back of the room with me?” He offered her his hand.
Chad put his arm around Crystal’s shoulder. “Ain’t none of youse fucking her.” His slang worsened when he was furious. “She’s not a fucking groupie.”
“Mmm. No. She’s that bassist who can wail.” Billy smirked. “After the show at Subterranean, remember how I promised you a real good time? Well, tonight’s your lucky night.” He looked Chad over. “You’re not as big as the other guy. I’m sure I can take you, and then get what I want.”
Dominic’s mouth dropped when Chad moved Crystal behind him and got ready to kick Billy’s ass. “No. Wait. Chad, stop!” Chad’s first swing had already started. Dominic pushed Billy out of the way, seeing Chad was about to clock him in the head. “Shit, Chad! Calm the fuck down. What the hell’s with you today?”
Chad was breathing hard, seething. “That asshole said he was gonna—”
“He’s a jerk, but harmless.” Dominic was glad Billy fell on the couch. “He won’t make her do anything.”
Billy sat up. “I’m sorry.” He closed his pants. “I didn’t know she was off limits. That other guy…”
“Giovanni,” Crystal corrected.
Rolling his eyes, Billy continued, “That other guy seemed hesitant, like they were faking being together. I thought maybe that was your thing. Pretend to be the boyfriend, so I’ll want her more.”
“That’s ludicrous.” Chad shook his head. “Why the fuck would I do that?”
Billy looked at Dominic. “It happens, seriously. You want what you can’t have. Speaking of which, my fucking dick wants you bad, little lady. Come by later if you can lose the bodyguard.” He winked and grinned. “You won’t regret it.”
“Goddamn it,” Chad mumbled. “Can we go now?”
Dominic sighed. “Yeah, good idea.”
Chapter Three
Dominic lay in his bunk. He hadn’t planned to give Chad and Crystal even a minute alone, but they had not done anything to tell him something sexual was still going on. He could hear them whispering. He only caught a word here and there—the conversation didn’t make any sense. Chad said something about being careful, and Crystal said he was paranoid, but that didn’t give Dominic a clue as to what their problem was.
“You guys dressed yet?” Dominic called out.
Chad appeared next to the bunk. “She’s doing her makeup.” He had an angry look on his face. “Will you please tell her that outfit is way too trashy? She thinks I’m just jealous.”
Dominic slid down and headed to the back of the bus. When he caught sight of Crystal, his mouth dropped. “Oh, shit! Giovanni’s gonna have a heart attack when he sees you dressed like that.” He closed his eyes. “And Tommy’s gonna have a field day trying to get under that skirt.”
Crystal looked at herself in the mirrored walls of the back lounge, as she outlined her dark blue eyes. “What’s wrong with this outfit? Giovanni picked it out.”
“You fucking kidding me?” Chad’s mouth remained open. He knew Giovanni had changed since he and Crystal got together, but not that much. “He likes you on display? I thought we all agreed that’s not a good idea anymore.”
Dominic took a step back, understanding it was a private argument. He assumed it had something to do with her attack. Jon had shown him many pictures of Crystal wearing just about nothing. They used her body to attract fans before Jon signed them. Could that be what led to her attack? He wanted to ask, but he knew it wasn’t a good idea.
“Baby, please. I can see your ass when you bend over. Are you even wearing underwear?” Chad was nervous her clothes would encourage one of the guys, especially Dean. He had seen Dean eyeing her a few times and heard about his nasty reputation from a few of the crew. “Come on, Crystal. Even a bathing suit would cover more skin.”
She glared at him. “I like it. Giovanni likes it. I’m wearing it.” She turned to Dominic.
He put his hands up. “It’s hot. Maybe a bit too hot, but I’m not gonna force you to change.” He felt Chad’s stare. “Just one thing, though. Don’t go anywhere alone. It’s not right, but some guys will definitely get the wrong idea.”
“Told you.” Chad folded his arms over his chest. Then his mouth dropped when she pulled out a pair of high-heeled boots, “Uh-uh, too dangerous.” He quickly realized he needed to find a reason why. “Um, you’re gonna fall.”
Crystal’s eyes bore into Chad. “Stop fucking babying me!”
Dominic could keep silent no more. “What the hell’s going on? You two are acting like you have some big secret. Why would her shoes matter? Is she pregnant or something?” The silence he got in response shocked him. He had been making a joke. “She is?”
“No, no, no,” Chad stammered. “It’s just… I’m scared a—” He had to use his fear. “I’m scared another fan will come after her.” He hugged a suddenly trembling Crystal and softly said, “I’m sorry.” He glanced up. “Do you know the story of what happened to her?”
“Not all of it.” Dominic put a hand up. “You don’t have to tell me. It looks like she don’t wanna hear it.” He grasped that her attacker was a fan and possibly the incident had something to do with how she dressed or how the band exploited her before the incident. “I’ll drop it. I’m sorry I asked.”
Within 30 minutes, they walked back into Gasoline’s dressing room. It had filled up quickly while they were gone. The music was already blasting, and the alcohol was flowing freely. Chad kept close to Crystal and Dominic didn’t say a word. He knew she needed the assurance after the scene on the bus.
His hip vibrating made Dominic grab his phone. It was a text from Giovanni.
Do you still have Crystal? I’m sorry I’ve been gone so long. Is she OK?
He typed back.
Yes. She’s fine. Do what you gotta do.
He was glad Jon was still mentoring Giovanni. They seemed to have gotten as close as two stubborn alpha males could.
“Damn, look at you,” Tommy gushed loudly as he raked Crystal’s body with his eyes. His dick had been at attention since she stepped into the room. He handed her a cup. “Have a drink, babe.”
If Chad weren’t attached to her, he would have grabbed a handful of ass. He hoped a bit of alcohol would loosen her up so he could fuck her. With the outfit she wore, he could do h
er against a wall and no one would even know. He thought about checking to see if she wore panties. He was dying to dip a finger into her pussy, then replace it with his dick.
Chad swiped the cup from Crystal. “She’s not drinking today.” He downed the beer in one gulp, needing to calm down somehow. “I’m not letting you go in this crazy room.” He pulled her closer by the waist. “Who the fuck’re all these people?”
Tommy grinned. “Fans, friends, other bands, groupies—who cares?” He looked around. “As long as I get my dick sucked, I don’t care who does it.” His eyes set on Crystal’s rack. Wish it were you, babe.
For a fleeting moment, Chad wondered if any of the girls would suck his cock. He needed it bad. Then he shook his head. He couldn’t think of that when the woman next to him could be carrying his kid. His dick didn’t seem to care, though. It was already half-hard. Would Crystal… Stupid thought. No, she wouldn’t.
Dominic saw conflict in Chad’s eyes and hoped he could protect Crystal without seducing her. He could tell Crystal was still not over their affair, or whatever it had been. She still gave Chad that sexy smile sometimes, although the frequency had lessened a lot. He sighed and walked away, determined to relax and not think about them for a while. He walked over to a group and smiled.
Minutes later, Tommy leaned close to Dominic’s ear, so they could hear each other. “Brandon said they just got here.” He had been worried, but there was really no reason to, since five other bands played before Wicked End. “I’m gonna look for…” He stopped when he heard Chico laugh. “Never mind he’s here already.”
Chico, Wicked End’s drummer, spotted Tommy and walked his way. “Hey, man, glad this was such good timing for us.” He put out his hand and shook Tommy’s heartily. “Love when we meet up for a show. You always got the girls primed for action.” A young blonde slid her arm around Chico’s middle. “See what I mean?”
Tommy smiled as a brunette slunk up next to him. He put an arm around her shoulders and held her close. “Yeah, fame comes with perks.” He leaned down and gave the short cutie a hard kiss on the lips. “You, my dear, are going to help me out with something in just a minute.” He turned to Chico again. “Jake here, too?”
“Yep.” Chico glanced around the room and found him groping a girl while holding her against a wall. “Looks like he started his own party.”
Dominic sat on a couch, watching Dean, who was talking with a sketchy dude several feet away. Both of them kept looking around, as if they didn’t want to be caught. Since they arrived, Dean had acted oddly. Not exactly like when he was on coke, but not like his sober self either. So far, he had not seen Dean take a drink, so he wasn’t drunk.
Dean whispered to Josh, “Thanks for that… stuff earlier.” He felt great. That medical grade pot was better than any he’d had before. “Can you get me more?”
Josh was the singer for Randomness, a local band Jon had gotten to open the show. He gave Dean a sly grin. “Hell, yeah. I got a card. The state thinks I have fucking seizures. I’ll have it for you tonight after the show.” He leaned closer. “I got something to hold you over until then.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bag of pills. “This’ll blow your mind.”
Dean had tried not to experiment when he was an addict, sticking to cocaine. Since he had to stay away from coke now, he had tried several other things. Pills were his newest venture. He swallowed the offered dose quickly.
Dominic was getting bored, but none of the girls interested him. Several had tried to get his attention, but they weren’t what he wanted. The one next to him was babbling about her boyfriend ignoring her. Obviously, it was because she was annoying. He thought about sitting with Chad and Crystal.
Tommy, on the other hand, was anything but bored. He had left and come back with a group of girls who were waiting for Wicked End. He headed right to Chico. “Brandon said him and the guys are ready to party. You wanna show these ladies the way?”
“Sure.” Chico smiled. “Come on. Our room is a bit less crowded,” Chico told the girls surrounding him. He met Tommy’s eyes. “Scott and Austin are waiting.” Their bassist and rhythm guitarist were always ready for women. Chico and the girls were gone in seconds.
Tommy grinned at two girls who were eyeing him. “So, ladies, I have something I’d like to try. You up for it?” He got giggles in response. “OK, then—shall we?” He put an arm around them both and led them to the back of the room.
Dean shivered, feeling like he needed to do something crazier than usual. “What was that, ‘E?’ ”
Josh’s eyebrow went up. “Adderall. Good shit, right? I heard you were off the candy, so I gave you something kinda close. At least short-term.”
“Yeah.” An idea popped into his head. “Hey, hey!” he shouted. “Who wants to play a drinking game?”
Tommy hadn’t gotten started with his plan yet, so he loudly replied, “What kinda drinking game?”
“A topless one,” Dean yelled over the music. “And the winner gets to ride my dick.”
Dominic thought it sounded worth watching and stood up. The music lowered as a few of the crew helped Dean clear part of a table. They set up plastic cups of beer and chose four girls in skimpy clothes to participate.
Tommy moved closer, pulling the girls with him along as well. He made sure to get a good view of the participants. “Chris, check this out.”
Chris was in the middle of a blowjob. “In a minute… Or five.” He leaned back and moaned. “Deeper, baby. Take it all.” He pushed her head down until her lips pressed against his sack. “That’s it.”
“Nope, titties out.” Dean tugged the girls’ tops down, revealing their breasts. “Much better.” He looked them all over; perky, but average-sized. Too bad Crystal won’t play. She’d be damn sexy covered in beer. “OK. Drink up, but no hands.”
The entire crowd cheered and some laughed as the girls tried to hold the cups with their lips and teeth. In the process, they spilled beer all over themselves.
When there was a clear winner, Dean called out, “OK. Now clean each other off.”
One of the girls grabbed a wad of napkins. Tommy shook his head. “Nah—with your tongues.” He groaned as the woman licked each other clean. Groupies would do almost anything.
“Who wants to go up against the winner?” Dean was enjoying it too much to let it end yet. “Remember, girls—the big winner gets my huge cock.” He ran a hand over his “semi.” “One minute. Sam’s missing it.” He rushed towards the door to see if Sam was still in the hallway.
Tommy watched the door close and furrowed his eyebrows. He waited a few minutes as girls argued over who was playing next. What’s taking so long?
“We’re ready,” a gorgeous bottle blonde whined. “Where’s Dean?” She pouted, folding her arms under her enhanced breasts, lifting them up.
Not wanting the women disappointed, Tommy stepped forward. “Well, it seems I’m in charge now.” He glanced down the line of contestants. “OK—tits’re out. Go!”
After four more rounds, the winner, who’d won three rounds in all, was trashed. She leaned on Tommy. “So does this mean you’ll fuck me now?”
“Um…” He didn’t like screwing incapacitated women. “Anyone else up for it?”
Jake stepped forward. “Come on, honey. I got a cock like Dean’s. You’ll love it.” He tugged her to his side and helped her walk to a couch several feet away.
Dominic was still near the table, laughing along with the rest of the group. He reached into his pocket and played with the lone condom he carried in case someone interested him. The game was a great distraction and got the party really rolling.
“So, what does the runner-up get?” The blonde who had won the first two rounds put her hands on her hips. Her top was completely off by then. She wore very short shorts and high heels.
The girl was hot, but Dominic didn’t like easy women unless he was desperate. He liked shy ones and… Noelle. If she were there, he’d be all over her. “Sorry,
maybe Tommy’ll take you up on that.” He watched her prance right over to Tommy who already had two game participants pawing at him.
“Hey, babe.” Tommy smiled at the young woman coming his way. “Seems it’s gonna be a foursome. I think Miss Runner-Up should get first dibs, though.”
“Rina,” she corrected.
He led the topless women over to a free couch. Then he sat and put his hands behind his head. “Who’s gonna do the honors?”
His eyes closed as Rina unbuttoned his jeans. Then his breath caught when a dainty finger rubbed the wet head of his erection. She toyed with him, running a finger down each of the sides.
“God… Come on and suck me already.” Putting on a condom slipped his mind. He opened his eyes and groaned as Rina swallowed his dick in one motion. “Ooohh, just like that… Yeah.” She sucked hard as her teeth gently grazed his shaft. He let her do it for just a while longer. “Damn, babe. Love it, but stop. You deserve a good fucking for that job.” He wanted a pussy wrapped around him, anyway.
He tried to think of a way to please all three girls. It wouldn’t be easy, but there was always a way. As the girls undressed, he stood. Then it came to him.
“You lay down,” he said to Rina, who had already shed her clothes. “You sit on the arm of the couch,” he told the shorter girl.
She smiled. “I’m Lilly.” She quickly undressed and jumped into place.
“And you…”
He looked to the ceiling for a minute, “OK, Tara—get on the floor, legs up, ass against the edge of the couch. Here.” He tapped the area near the Rina’s shoulder.
When the women were in position, Tommy knelt between Rina’s legs and rolled a condom on. He rarely fucked groupies missionary style, but it was the easiest way to do what he wanted. The party raged, but he focused all his attention about the three chicks around him.
Getting down on his forearms, he whispered, “This is gonna get interesting.” He prodded Rina’s pussy without the use of his hands until the head of his cock slid into her wet opening. “Nice.” She was looser than he preferred, but tight enough. He quickly thrust all the way inside. “Grab, um…” He looked up.